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Loy Smith


Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. and The Veterans Coalition

National Board Member
VVnW Post LA-04 Color Guard
VVnW  Natioal Honor Guard


Military Background

U.S. Air Force Engineers - October, 1958 through October, 1962

with service in Vietnam in 1961

Civilian Experience

Offshore oil and gas production
Cook extraordinaire

Awards and Honors

Participant as Color Guard member and wreath presenter at Arlington
National Cemetery for Veterans Day

Additional Affiliations

National Fundraising Committee
National Membership Committee
Let Freedom Ring Festival Committee member


Serving as a National Board Member for the Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. & The Veterans Coalition.  Currently serves as Commander for Post LA-04, Thibodaux, Louisiana.  Is a member of the VVnW, Inc. & The Veterans Coalition National Membership Committee, National Fundraising Committee, United Veterans Beacon House Committee and participated in the Color Guard for the ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery for Veterans Day.   Participated in the “Working Bee” held at the UVBH in Shreveport, LA using carpentry skills attained over a lifetime.  

“I am proud to be part of the Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. & The Veterans Coalition and feel that bringing in individuals from all over the country and world to participate on a National level gives the organization credibility as an international organization made up of veterans of all eras.  We must address the issues of those who are currently serving to provide a future for the organization.  I want to be part of this growth and would be honored to continue to be part of the National Board of Directors.”  Served with the U.S. Air Force Engineers from 1958 through 1962 with service in Vietnam in 1961.

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Veterans of the
Vietnam War, Inc.
International Headquarters
805 So. Township Boulevard
Pittston, PA 



"An organization succeeds, not because it is long-established,
but because there are people in it who live it, sleep it, dream it,
and build future plans for it."