C.S.V.C. of C. 1997 Program Of Work

In November of 1996, the membership of the Chamber met to discuss the problems, priorities and opportunities for Chamber action in the next program year. About 50 members, representing a broad cross-section of commercial, industrial, professional, governmental and non-profit organizations, participated in the session facilitated by Program of Work Chairman Joseph A. McGranaghan. Data was collected and analyzed in three ways: 1) top priority recommendations by table consensus; 2) tabulation of problems as defined by each participant; and 3) individual's recommendations for action, which are included in the Action Steps.

Top Priorities
1. Economic Development: We must develop a comprehensive plan to market our area to prospective employers, and at the same time, work to develop the infrastructure necessary to support that development. We must also work to fully develop the Chamber's available industrial land by meeting zoning and other legal requirements. This will result in the expansion of our available Industrial Sites.

2.Transportation We need to see the entire Routes 11 & 15 project, from Route 80 to the Selinsgrove By-Pass finished. We must work on traffic congestion problems on Routes 11 and 15, Route 147, Route 15 in Lewisburg and Route 522 in Snyder County.

3. Improve The Quality Of Our Work Force: We must see that our work force develops the skills necessary to meet today's global economy and tomorrow's technical challenges. We should continue to support and expand upon the efforts of the School and Business Partnership. Furthermore, we must strengthen our support of vocational/technical education.

4. Tax And Regulatory Reform: The Chamber needs to keep up the pressure on elected officials to bring about local tax reform (occupational tax and reassessment). We need to work for continued regulatory reform and tort reform.

5. Promote Tourism: We should do more to promote the area as a tourist attraction.

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