
Incarcerated Veterans Program


By: Herbert Hennen
National Program Director
for Incarcerated Veterans


Dear Reader,

I want to thank the National Commander and the National Board of Directors
for having faith in me to oversee this large part of the Veteran's Group.

There will be some small changes made as we grow.  In the U.S. there are
about 300,000 incarcerated and/or on parole Veterans.  Of these, a large
percentage are homeless or on some type of drugs.

We in no way feel sorry for the man that will not take his responsibility
to the Veteran community.  We are a group of men who will work on our
fellow veterans' needs and when we can, their dreams.

What the incarcerated group is about, is to form posts in prisons that will
be a service organization.  They will actively address the post-incarcer-
ation needs of its members, lobby for enactment of legislation that confer
on various State and Federal agencies, and a responsibility for the delivery
of services.

The Post will focus on educational programs that target such needs as dis-
charge upgrading, claims processing, employment readiness training, com-
munication, leadership and readjustment counseling.  Most of this will be
done with the outside help of a Post nearby or by mail.

You have to remember that most of these men are first time offenders.  They
have short sentences and will be back in the community the same way unless
someone tries to help. All this will cost, is a very small amount of time.
With all the State Commanders' help, from each state, a large problem will
become a very small one.  However, there are rules to follow.

We as a Veterans Group will not help anyone with a criminal suit, get out of
prison, find a place to be paroled or print inmates letters in our paper
because we do not have the funds.

What we can do is bring in Veterans Service officers and guest speakers from
all Veterans Affairs groups.

Once the inmate is released from prison, he will get all the help he needs
to get back into society.

We have a great support group and many good guest speakers.   A . Veteran
is a Veteran no matter what. We didn't ask for a background check in the
War when we trusted the guy next to us, the same should still apply now.
God bless.

Herbert Hennen
National Program Director
for Incarcerated Veterans