Information courtsey:  Jim Rapp
Jim is a member of Post PA-52 in Meadville, PA








1 2 Operation "Rolling Thunder" sustained bombing over N. Vietnam (1965) 3 Star Spangled Banner made National Anthem (1931) 4 5 6 French sign agreement with Ho Chi Minh (1946) 7
8 First U.S. Troops (Marines) go ashore at Danang (1965) 9 10 11 12 13 The Battle of Dien Bien Phu begins (1954) French defeated May 8th. 14
15 16 U.S. Troops massacre hundreds of civilians @ My Lai (1968) 17 St. Patrick's Day 18 Nixon begins secret bombing of Cambodia (1969) 19 20 Spring Begins (Vernal Equinox) 21
22 General Westmoreland relieved of command (1969) 23 24 25 Hue falls to the Communists (1975) 26 Ground breaking for "The Wall" (1982) 27 28
29 Last U.S. troops leave Vietnam (1973) 30 Danang falls to the Communists (1975) 31 Johnson scales back bombing of N. Vietnam (1968)

All Rights Reserved (1998)
Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.
Last revised: 03/09/98