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Veteran Resources and Programs

   The Veteran's of the Vietnam War, Inc. continue to remain decisively engaged on multiple fronts on a daily basis in defense of our veterans and serving military.  We are active proponents for our veteran's rights, supporters of our active duty military and dedicated to educating the nation on the indispensable role our veterans and military have played in the shaping of history.  In all things, we feel it is vitally important that our nation understands the sacrifice endured by our service members in defense of our citizens freedom.


United Veterans Beacon House for Homeless Veterans National Incarcerated Program Veterans in Conflict with the Law  
Veteran Service Officers Veterans in Distress Military Support Packages  
Agent Orange Post Traumatic Stress Disorder US/Australian
Reciprocal Health Care
Veterans in your Community Cold War Recognition Travel Services  
Veteran Links to the Internet Educational Resources Veteran Leader Quarterly  
Reunion Board Find A Vet Services Message Board  

VVnW Intro  
"An organization succeeds, not because it is long established, but because there
are people in it who live it; sleep it, dream it, and build future plans for it "


Information Services

United Veterans Beacon House

FIND-A-Vet Locator Service

Veteran Service Officers

The Veteran Leader Newsletter

Agent Orange


PTSD Information


Incarcerated Veterans

Flag Awareness

International Veterans Services

Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.
International Headquarters
805 So. Township Boulevard
Pittston, PA  18640-3327

Phone: 570-603-9740
Fax : 570-603-9741