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Frank Amalfitano

I stepped up to the plate when asked to fill the position vacated by Richard Schlude who had been removed as the National Treasurer for the Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. & The Veterans Coalition. I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish during my short tenure on the board but my personal life requires most of my time and energy and I cannot give to the VVnW & The Veterans Coalition all of the hours it requires to do the job well.

I am fully supportive of National Commander Peter Forbes and National Executive Director Nancy Verespy along with my fellow Board Members: Michael Breighner, Vic Felts, MSGT Bob Haines, Major Marc Hoffmeister and Loy Smith. These individuals, under the leadership of Peter Forbes, have accomplished more for the organization during their tenure than has been seen in recent years. We are greatly increasing membership, moving forward with United Veteran Beacon Houses in various cities throughout the country, have sent out well over 10,000 Military Support Packages and our VSOs and the work they do for all veterans are outstanding.

Please give your support to these individuals as they carry out the mission of the Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. & The Veterans Coalition – it is a wise choice.

Frank Amalfitano
Former National Board Member National Treasurer



Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. and The Veterans Coalition

Board Member
National Treasurer

Veterans Fund of the United States

Board Member

United Veterans Beacon House Program

National Coordinator 

Military Background

Joined the United States Air Force in September, 1966

Trained at Lackland AFB as an Air Policemen/Security Policeman/K-9 Handler

Served in Vietnam with his dog “Jeff” in 1968/1969.  Jeff died in Vietnam of an unknown disease and it was as though a brother were lost to him. 


            Frank has had a variety of jobs which led him to have the expertise he now possesses when he and his partners founded Amazing Houses, Inc. a company that provides shelter for people in recovery from substance abuse.

This experience led him to become involved with the United Veterans Beacon House, a project of the Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.  The UVBH was assisting in the housing of 30 to 40 veterans in three locations but owned no property and was in debt for over $10,000.  UVBH, NY was on the verge of shutting down.

The UVBH, NY houses 163 people per day of which 110 are veterans in 14 locations.  UVBH owns four of the locations, has three grants, two county contracts for shelters “for women and children”, operates and owns a thrift store and employs over 20 people of which 10 are veterans.  Six of these employees were formerly homeless and went through a VA program while living in the UVBH home.

Frank shares that he has come to understand that part of the answer to homelessness is reintegration.  Since 1999 UVBH has expanded the mission of the UVBH, NY to provide services for veterans as well as housing. They have also expanded UVBH into housing for civilians as well as veterans for a number of reasons.  By expanding the mission they have been able to develop in-house employment for veterans.  They have put into effect an OJT program which is part of the Veteran Industries Program at the Northport VA. 

UVBH, under the direction of Frank Amalfitano, has now opened alternative housing for veterans.  Today UVBH can offer a veteran, after they have completed a two year program, permanent housing.  UVBH now has three homes that veterans can live in for an indefinite time and plans to open three more during this coming year.  They are also in the process of completing a home for senior veterans with physical disabilities.  This home will be wheelchair accessible and house six veterans.

Frank assists the Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc. throughout the U.S. by traveling and assisting in establishing and managing United Veterans Beacon Houses – a project of the Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.

Frank states:  “After my watch is over a veteran will be able to come to the United Veterans Beacon House and leave with a job if they are able to work and get affordable permanent housing.  I hope to be part of the process that restores our veterans’ self-esteem, confidence and pride.  I want our veterans to leave with a feeling of belonging and knowing that as long as UVBH is here they will not be forgotten.  I want the veteran to know that they can come back at any time for any reason.”

“I want the veteran to remember that this thing called Beacon House wasn’t an institution but rather a home of sorts in which they got well.  We stand by our hurt, worn out and broken spirit brothers and sisters until they heal and we will be there for them if they need us again.”

“For God, Family and Country”.

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Veterans of the
Vietnam War, Inc.
International Headquarters
805 So. Township Boulevard
Pittston, PA 



"An organization succeeds, not because it is long-established,
but because there are people in it who live it, sleep it, dream it,
and build future plans for it."